Why talk to dogs?

Why talk to dogs?

Dogs don’t speak our language - or do they?

We all know dogs don’t speak English…..or Swedish….or German….or Japanese, right? And yet, many dog owners insist that their dog understands what “No” means. If you think about it, your dog probably knows what “wanna go outside?’, “wanna go for a walk (or a drive)?", or “do you want a treat?” means - along with so many other unspoken cues like picking up our keys, our shoes, the dog’s leash, opening the fridge, etc.

We teach dogs life skills and cues

Dogs are smart. Most people know that, even if they may sometimes say that their dog is “stupid”, “stubborn”, or “not very smart” . I have often heard or seen clients be genuinely surprised at how fast their dog learned a new skill. As a Dog Trainer, I have thankfully been able to give a lot of relief to dogs and their humans, and build closer bonds and help humans enjoy their dog more. That is what dog training is all about. That is what is satisfying about this occupation. Helping dogs and humans live happier lives together.

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The Real Truth: Why We Are Seeing A 'Pandemic' Of Aggression, Fear, And Anxiety In Dogs.

The Real Truth: Why We Are Seeing A 'Pandemic' Of Aggression, Fear, And Anxiety In Dogs.

Too many of our dogs are suffering ! That is a fact we can no longer ignore. Covid-19 is only part of the story. Yes, we dog trainers are seeing a rise in reactivity, aggression, fear of going outside, and all kinds of anxiety since the pandemic hit us all in 2020. But the truth is, behavior problems were already growing before then and have been on a steady rise for the past many decades.

“Covid Puppies”

More and more people have chosen and are choosing to share their lives with a ‘pet’….this of course exploded during Covid-19. “Covid puppies” are now having a whole range of problems due to lack of socialization. Many dogs can’t be left alone for even 5 minutes without crying, whining, barking, screaming. A vast majority of dogs are reacting to everything and anything: Barking, lunging, growling, etc. What is most disturbing are the dogs who now have an extreme fear of the outside world. Some are to the point of being paralyzed at even taking a step out the door!

That is both heartbreaking and alarming and we should….we MUST take action to address the REAL underlying issue at blame for our dogs’ suffering!! Are WE HUMANS to blame? If not, WHO, or WHAT is?

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How To Improve Leash Reactivity In Your Dog

How To Improve Leash Reactivity In Your Dog

What do you do when taking your dog for a walk was supposed to be relaxing, enjoyable, a way to de-stress for both of you, but in fact it has become a stressful, frustrating, and embarrassing event because your four-legged friend at the end of the leash can’t stop barking. lunging, and ‘losing it’ every time he sees another dog or person? When that otherwise sweet dog of yours, who loves to give kisses and cuddle with you on the couch, suddenly turns into a demon-like monster you don’t recognize?

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